Brock Yates returning to new and improved Car & Driver?

Winding Road is reporting that Brock Yates, the godfather of automotive journalism in the U.S., may be returning to the pages of Car & Driver. Many of you might remember that Yates was allegedly forced to abandon his column in C&D because of a shakeup taking place at the most popular automotive buff book. Whatever went down, which was arguably never made clear to the public or the magazine's readers, appears to have been reconciled, and Yates reportedly should be back spouting his special brand of vitriol and insight soon. C&D also is renewing its sponsorship of Yates' One Lap of America road rally for 2007. One Lap is a combination of great tracks being driven on by great drivers driving great cars, and we look forward to covering the run in 2007.
Those who frequent the pages of Car & Driver on a regular basis may have also noticed the updated layout that appeared in the most recent issue. We've long respected Car & Driver more for its writing than its aesthetic, and that strategy seems to have served it well since the magazine retains the largest subscription base of the big four auto mags in the U.S., which includes Motor Trend, Road & Track and Automobile (we couldn't track down hard numbers, but we know C&D's been on top for years). The new layout, however, is confounding and busy in our eyes, especially the new data pages that come after each road test (see a high-resolution pic of a sample page after the jump). We're all for more info on our favorite vehicles, but not when absorbing it requires a cryptex. And we're well aware that yellow is the most eye-catching color on the spectrum, but "eye-catching" is another word for "obnoxious". If you've seen the December issue of C&D, let us know your thoughts on the new layout in the comments.

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