NSFW: Danish Bikini Speedbandits use T&A to slow speeders

Denmark apparently has a problem with speeding motorists that's so out of hand it's deployed the Speedcontrol Bikini Bandits, what the broadcaster in this linked video calls "a specially trained team of enthusiastic young women not afraid to do whatever it to make sure motorists pay more attention to the speed limit." These Danish dames stand off to the side of the road wearing only high heels and bright red Daisy Dukes while holding a speed limit sign. That's it. The plan of attack is working, as traffic in Denmark has virtually stopped so horndog motorists can get their daily fill of roadside hooters. Unfortunately, now Denmark has a traffic jam problem as a result of the bare-chested beauties. Can you believe this is government sanctioned?!?! Perhaps motorists in the U.S. would slow down if instead of being flashed their current speed on the highway they were just flashed.

Thanks for the eye-opening tip, Big Al!

[Source: Speedbandits.dk via Jalopnik]

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