The 2007 Women of Biodiesel calendar now available

Cars and women and calendars. You've got an image in your head now, right? Well, scratch it. The 2007 Women of Biodiesel calendar, published by Green Means Go, doesn't have any exploitative photo spreads of bikinied supermodels doing unnatural things to a car's hood. Instead, the calendar features women mechanics and other female biodiesel fans with their cars. It even, gasp, includes biodiesel manifestos written by each of the models. The women featured include:
Green Means Go is a diesel car buying and selling site of sorts by Sienna Wildwind. Wildwind offers her services as an auto broker to people in the Berkeley, California area. She'll scour the want ads and do preliminary checks to find her customers the best diesel car available, which they can then run on biodiesel.

The Green Means Go site is new, and still has a lot of blank pages, and Sienna also has a sparse blog. With ideas like the Women of Biodiesel calendar, though, things should be populated soon.

[Source: Green Means Go]

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