Hot Rod runs down Top 40 car films

Hot Rod magazine has just released its list of the Top 40 Car Movies of all time, and it has opened the list up for you to vote on. Although many of the films on the list are obvious choices (American Graffiti, Bullitt, Le Mans), some of their selections are a bit more obscure. The editors go out of their way to explain that their criteria was biased towards hot rods, but other than that, the only caveat was that the films had to be currently available on DVD and that they were originally released in theaters.

The films are grouped by date of release and cover entries from 1950 through 2001. While we can't speak for films released before 1950, there are surely some deserving flicks from post 2001. The Transporter immediately comes to mind. Not intended to be a comprehensive list so much as the 40 they would say you HAVE to add to your Netflix queue, we were glad to see some of our personal favorites among the Top 40. The group ranges from blockbusters to barely noticed. Most aren't very good movies, but a few are Oscar contenders. Or should have been. Hot Rod has even included helpful icons to identify movies with a preponderance of hot rods, dumb cops, hot babes, etc.

We've already gone through the whole list and found a dozen or so we haven't seen, and we've also thought of a few more that belong in that group. But we want to know what you think. Go to Hot Rod, check out the full list and report back on your favorites and the ones you think should be included but weren't. Different Bond favorites? Wondering why cartoons like CARS were left out? Tell us about it, but remember to check the list first, and keep the rules in mind. And don't forget to check their own list of ones they would have included had they been able to find them on DVD. There are some gems there. Hint to DVD distributors.

[Source: Hot Rod via Jalopnik]

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