Huffington Post starts up a "Hybrid Movement"

I'm trying to get a read on what the Huffington Post's new Hybrid Movement page is all about. Right now, it looks like a way for people to fawn over their hybrids by submitting pictures and text of their hybrids on the road, or in interesting areas like Big Bend National Park in Texas. There are personal quotes, and a list of celebrities on the left side giving their reasons for buying and supporting hybrid cars.
Larry David's got the best line, saying, "I needed something to make me feel smugly superior."

The Hybrid Movement is somewhat biased in favor of the Prius, and I suppose we could explain this away as the result of the Prius being the most popular hybrid vehicle by far. But the site is sponsored by Toyota, and the HuffPost has managed to make the "Upload your picture" button look a lot like Toyota's Hybrid Synergy Drive badge (see them side by side after the jump).

[Source: Huffington Post]
Look at the similarities between these two icons. Long and silver, with a beveled edge all around. Three words, all in capitals. I suppose a blue wavy line would have been too much for the HuffPost, huh?

(sorry for the small image size)

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