Jay Leno shares making of the EcoJet

Jay Leno is giving a behind-the-scenes look at how the EcoJet came about. On Leno's web site, a four minute film shows Leno and Ed Wellburn, GM vice president of global design, discussing the design process of the jet-powered car. A gallery of photos taken during the car's construction document the development from scale model to SEMA-ready.

On the video, Leno shares an interesting fact about the EcoJet's Lexan rear window. Lexan, he says, is made by General Electric, owner of NBC which owns The Tonight Show With Jay Leno, on which Kevin Bacon has appeared. Leno says he asked GE for some of the clear, bulletproof material and they gave it to him for the EcoJet.

It's a fascinating look at concept-car development we don't normally get to see, made possible by the car's owner being Leno instead of GM.

[Source: www.jaylenosgarage.com]

Thanks to Peter for the tip!

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