Shameless but well-deserved plug for a friend: Green Car Journal honored

I've been a charter subscriber to the Green Car Journal since it developed into a 4-color quarterly magazine in 2003. Not that I plunk down a check every year but I've known the editor, Ron Cogan, for a long time and he graciously keeps me on the comp list. Ron took a big risk moving his family to Central California and starting a newsletter in the early '90s that covered the infant EV and alternative fuel market. I was working on a high-performance magazine and driving speed-burning, gas-guzzlers then. I and many of his collegues wondered how a fuel-economy book would do in a time of $1.50 gas when everyone wanted a fullsize SUV. Now he's shown us all up by capturing a 2006 Eddie award for editorial excellence. The magazine has instituted a Green Car of the Year Award and is usually ahead of the game in landing high-profile interviews. Ron is often quoted in business publications as an expert in the field. Congratulations Ron, and the next lunch at Mo's is on me!
[Source: Green Car Journal via Market Wire]

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