Look mom, no gasoline. Survey finds younger generation ready for diesel

What is it with all these surveys coming out this week? I get it already; people care about what goes into their car and what comes out of their tailpipes. Take this survey, for example. Co-sponsored by the Diesel Technology Forum and Mercedes-Benz USA, it found that way more Americans than you think are interested in diesel cars. Targeting by age, the survey found that 50 percent of people between 18 and 29 years in age and 46 percent of those between 30 and 41 would consider buying or leasing a new clean diesel car. Remember, diesel vehicles make up only about 3.5 percent of the market in the U.S. today. The survey was conducted towards the end of September, well before the recent widespread availability of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel hit the media cycle. So where are all the cool diesel machines that Europe gets? We're getting some on this side of the pond, but there's lots more available.

[Source: Mercedes-Benz USA, Diesel Technology Forum]

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