Alan Mulally rallies the troops for a come back

'Everyone loves a comeback story. Let's work together to write the best one ever.' That's how Ford's new CEO, Alan Mulally, ended his first company-wide e-mail to Blue Oval employees on Friday.
The e-mail, which can be read here, is one of the first definitive steps in asserting himself to Ford employees as the turnaround man that the automaker needs and judging by the text, he sees a long road ahead.

Mulally generalizes about the impending slog throughout his e-mail, identifying the various changes that need to take place to bring Ford back to viability and profitability. His plan for the future centers on a 'universally agreed to and understood business plan' that involves recognizing the ills of the automaker and making decisive changes to rectify those problems.

Aside from the expected job losses that will go through the end of summer next year, Mulally seems to acknowledge that one of the biggest problems is the entrenched bureaucracy within Ford's executive ranks. According to most reports, he won't stand for it and he's made the effort to bring in top-level execs on Thursdays (just Thursdays?) to answer questions and demand accountability.

Thankfully, his letter is strewn with encouraging words towards Ford's workforce and he genuinely seems to believe that there is a bright future for the automaker. To him, FoMoCo needs streamlining and focus (Euro, please), and this e-mail seems to exude that sense of leadership to all involved.


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