HCCI sensor contract awarded to TIAX

News and developments on Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) technology doesn't seem to pop up very often, so you can imagine that our ears perk up every time we come across something new no matter how small. On Wednesday, technology development firm TIAX announced that it was awarded a $400,000 contract by the U.S. Department of Energy to develop sensor technology that will help to control the start of combustion, one of HCCI's major technical hurdles. TIAX is listed as the prime contractor, but will work with researchers at Wayne State University who have a plethora of experience in engine diagnostics and control.
It isn't ground-breaking news, but it's good to know that research and developments are continuing as HCCI technology may one day combine the best of diesel and conventional spark-ignition engines into a single low-emission, high-mileage power plant.

[Source: TIAX]

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