AMES Award longs to be environmental J.D. Power

When the AMES award debuted in 2000, the writer of this Car Connection story was hardly impressed and raised legitimate questions about the award's formula.
In an update to the company's plans, another story finds that the company has landed a patent for the business process to determine winners. Now AMES officials believe their consumer guide for environmentally friendly vehicles is ready for mass appeal. The next step is convincing a few automakers to validate the award. The AMES formula takes into consideration the vehicle's emissions, fuel economy and greenhouse gas output. Consumers would be able to compare a Ford Focus to a Honda Civic to determine which may have more of an impact on the environment.

The AMES Award was last presented in 2004. Company officials say they need support from the automakers to research the 2007 models. They remember a time when J.D. Power received support from Japanese automakers, then the rest of the industry followed.

"We need to get to a point that if a consumer buys an AMES Award winner over a non-winner, they know they've helped sustain the planet," said the company's executive VP, Larry Ranka.

Award winners from 2000 through 2004 can be found at the company's Web site.


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