Paris Motor Show: Citron Totem-mobile

Citroën definitely has a thing for transforming cars. They use them in their TV commercials, and in Paris today, they opened their press conference with one. Our man on the scene, John Neff, captured the mysteriously-named "Totem-mobile" in action as it morphed from a classic Citroën DS into a giant God-knows-what.

Artist Chico Mac Murtrie is the man responsible for the exhibit, which the automaker claims "emblematically represents Citroën and its values," illustrating "the successful marriage of art and automobile."

That's just a fancy, artsy French way of saying, "Citroën loves robots!"
We think.

Check out the full transformation after the jump.

(Press releases, photos follow)

[Source: Citroën]


Citroën Totem-mobile

The Citroën DS is an avant-garde icon. Designed by Flaminio Bertoni, an artist and sculptor of genius, the vehicle remains a source of inspiration for a number of contemporary artists.

Voted "Best World Design Object of the 20th Century" in London in 1999, the near-mythical DS went on to celebrate its 50th birthday at the International Cotemporary Art Fair (FIAC) in 2005. The Citroën-organised exhibition, "The DS is a Work of Art", once again showed the artistic dimension of the automobile. The FIAC show featured a few of the countless artworks inspired by the DS, notably pieces by Arman and Orozco.

The latest artist to be inspired by the DS, Chico Mac Murtrie, has created an original, technological work that emblematically represents Citroën and its values. Presented at the Paris Motor Show, "Totem-mobile" illustrates the successful marriage of art and automobile using unprecedented levels of technology.

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