Approximately 14,000 workers will leave Delphi

Way back in March of this year, the UAW, GM and Delphi sat down to figure out a buyout/retirement plan for the approximately 14,600 employees eligible to leave the workforce. Delphi employees were offered two separate packages: certain retirement eligible employees will be able to walk with a lump sum payment of $35,000, while others would be offered a buyout of between $40,000 and $140,000. A total of 12,400 employees eligible for retirement took the $35k and 1,400 opted to walk early and get a lump sum.
The General agreed to foot the bill for the lump sum payments, along with some post-retirement employee benefits.

How much are we talking? We'd expect the figures sometime before January 1st, 2007, when all the retirees/buyoutees take their leave.

[Source: The Auto Channel]

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