eBay Sell of the Day: Warren Buffett's Town Car for $73,200

Thank God it's for charity. Now we don't have to laugh as loud at the guy who just paid more than 73 large for a 2001 Lincoln Town Car on eBay. OK, this wasn't just any used TC, it belonged to financial guru and billionaire philanthropist Warren Buffett. 19 People placed a total of 63 bids with the winning high at $73,200 by 'billzanker.' Bill Zanker is president and founder of The Learning Annex, which sponsors educational seminars around the country.

Bill's also the guy who forked over 60 grand to have lunch with Rupert Murdoch a couple of years ago. So at least this time he gets something that will last a little longer than an hour. The 2001 Lincoln wasn't being used much by Buffett since he recently picked up a Cadillac DTS and had only accumulated 14,000 miles. The vehicle comes complete with the "Thrifty" vanity license plate and an etched brass plaque bearing his Buffett's signature. Buffett has even promised to greet the winning bidder at the Omaha airport wearing a chauffeur's cap.

The money raised in the auction will go to help Girls Incorporated, which runs educational programs for girls aged 6-18. Particularly in at-risk communities.

[Source: MSNBC]

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