2007 MINI brochure caught in the wild


Sure, it's the UK version of a preview brochure for the new MINI, but come on, it's the NEW MINI! In all seriousness, when we spotted that the MotoringFile had picked up a copy of the new brochure, we practically scrambled over each other to get it in front of your eyes. The file they got their hands on is a scanned copy of the pre-release literature, and it almost makes you feel dirty for looking at it. We don't care!
There is a slight discrepancy we should warn you about. In the brochure, the MINI's engine output is rated at 118hp versus the 120hp rating we've seen in our press materials. The MINI S is also rated differently at 172hp versus 175hp. This most likely isn't some weird typo, but may represent a fine-tuning of the numbers prior to release, or the difference between a UK spec MINI and a US spec one. Otherwise, this is a great guide to the changes that make the new R56 MINI distinct from the current generation.

[Source: MotoringFile]

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