Tuner Tuesdays: Japanese tuners craft baby Aston Martin

Japanese car mod specialists DAMD and ANCEL have teamed up to produce this "BLACK x METAL" version of the Nissan 350Z roadster. We don't have a lot of details on this Aston Martin lookalike, but a picture's worth a thousand words, as they say. DAMD wheels, Lambo doors and a hand-stitched leather interior are highlights. We're left wondering if there's a James Bond DBRS 350 version in the works. Combine the "BLACK x METAL" with the Miata AMX07 and it looks like we have a burgeoning industry of Aston wannabees on our hands.

There are lots of pictures and video of the luxury Fairlady over at Nihon Car, but here are a few teasers for your viewing enjoyment after the jump.

[Source: Nihon Car] Thanks to Steph for the tip!

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