Social networking website for carpoolers

/ doesn't explicitly advertise themselves as a social networking website, but that's the feel you get when you browse through it. The Portland-based company launched the site on September 1st and aims to help introduce compatible commuters by offering a search tool based on preferred radio stations and interest.

In addition to helping you find your partners-in-commute, the site also offers an array of tools that allow you to keep track of shared carpooling expenses and schedules as well as a way to notify the rest of your group in case you can't make it.

Based on the success of other social networking sites, sounds like a great idea. I typed in a couple different zip codes on the East and West coasts but wasn't able to find any other commuters in those areas. It's understandable given that the site's only been around for a little over a week.

[Source: via Energy Bulletin]

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