TiMo - Toyota's new cell phone

Reuters is reporting that Toyota is about to jump into the cell phone business with KDDI Corp., Japan's No. 2 wireless carrier of which 11 percent is owned by the Japanese auto giant. The company's ultimate goal is to close the gap between its cars and telecom networks, so the new phone will be compatible with Toyota navigation systems via Bluetooth. The pair of companies has also developed some type of battery charger that Reuters reports will attach to the armrest of a car and offer music and games downloads. Not sure how that's going to work until we see it. The new phone will also have emergency services on its speed dial in case a motorist gets into trouble on the road.

The Toyota phone will be called "TiMo" and go on sale at the end of October, right before Japan's cell phone users will be allowed to switch services and keep their current telephone number.

(BTW - the above picture is of a Motorola RAZR, as no one's seen the TiMo yet)

[Source: Reuters]

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