MINI Traveller redubbed Clubman

MotoringFile is reporting that MINI will be dropping the Traveller name for its upcoming long-wheelbase version of its iconic small car in favor of 'Clubman'. Several sources have told the site that a mess of copyright issues with the Traveller name provoked the switch, and while the MINI crew still needs to gain approval in order to use the Clubman badge (Honda owns the Clubman name in Japan), the effort will be small potatoes compared to what would've been required to legally use their first choice. We're not up on our MINI history, so we'll defer to MotoringFile to fill you in on the history of the Clubman name in the MINI brand. MotoringFile readers also collected a long list of name suggestions for the vehicle that was reportedly read by some people at MINI. Whether or not it was the janitor or the CEO is unknown. You can check out the full list here. Our favorites include the MINI XL, MINI+, MINI Canyonero and MINI Longfellow.

[Source: MotoringFile via Jalopnik]

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