VIDEO: the making of Honda's "Cog" commercial

The folks over at the National Association of Manufacturer's blog,, posted a video this weekend that's a must-see for Rube Goldberg fans everywhere.
Honda's famous "Cog" video (so-called because the video begins with a single cog rolling down an incline) was produced in the U.K. in 2003 and featured a very Rube Goldberg-esque "machine" comprised of parts from a Honda Accord. The TV commercial required 606 different takes and four and a half months of production before it was completed, and has gone on to become something of a cult classic.

Well, in the "Cool Stuff Being Made" department, has a video trifecta for your viewing enjoyment: the original Cog TV commercial, a behind the scenes video of how the commercial was made, and an illustrated guide to the various Accord bits and pieces used in the video. Enjoy!

[Source:] Thanks for the tip, Dave!

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