Toyota Sienna may be recalled

Toyota's quality control woes may now include a rear hatch that wants to devour its owners. Not to make light of the matter, but the MY 2004-2005 Toyota Sienna minivan has assaulted eight people already, with four of the attacks leading to injuries.
The trouble stems from faulty lift-gate struts that do not hold the weight of the people mover's rear hatch. Incidentally, Toyota had issued a TSB for the struts in March of '04 to "prevent seal damage and gas leakage." Whether this was a guise by the Japanese automaker to hide the Sienna's possible aggressions remains to be seen.

Currently, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is investigating the matter, involving approximately 400,000 vehicles.

Will the recalls ever end for Toyota? Have they finally hit the point where production demands outweigh quality control measures? And for that matter, is there even a difference between foreign and domestic manufacturer's reliability anymore? Your comments are always welcomed.

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