Senator, challenger give views on fuel economy standards

U.S. Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, who is up for reelection, and his opponent, state treasurer Bob Casey, recently answered questions on their views on environmental issues. When asked about the Bush administration's attempts to improve fuel economy standards, Casey replied that both the president and Senator Santorum's improvements would have '...little to no effect on improving fuel economy, reducing consumption and reducing emissions.' The senator states he is still open to any changes in Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards though wants the automakers to be more involved in the decision making process.
Other questions and the men's replies can be found at the link. We felt confused at the above responses but especially Senator Santorum, who previously opposed government involved in the CAFE standards. Analysts are still divided over the recent CAFÉ changes though agree they will increase costs to the automakers.

[Source: Associated Press via phillyBurbs]

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