Subaru announces diesel engine for 2008

While it is the norm to not have a diesel powered option available for most vehicle models in the U.S. market, in Europe it generally guarantees low sales, especially for mainstream vehicles. Honda eventually broke down and developed a diesel engine for some of their European vehicles, and even a luxury brand like Jaguar is now offering diesel options in some of their cars. Subaru, one of the last manufacturers to strictly offer gasoline engines for all its models, has finally announced it is developing its own 2.0 liter diesel. Don't go running to your dealer just yet though, its not scheduled to appear until 2008, and its unclear weather it will show up in the U.S. market at all. The 2.0 liter diesel is schedule to appear in the Legacy in 2008. A six cylinder, 3.0 liter diesel might be built for the Tribeca, but this will be for an even later date.
[Source: WhatCar?]

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