Car insurance claims drop; industry unable to explain phenomenon


The good news for auto insurance companies is that claims have dropped 15% in the last four years, with the result of a similarly healthy bump in profit. The bad news, at least for an industry that depends on the reliable statistical prediction of trends, is that there is no clear reason for the reduction in payouts for dented sheetmetal and bodily injury.

While modern technology can help prevent collisions, it likely doesn't account for the drop in this particular five-year period (but, check back in another half-decade). More likely is that drivers in the 45-64 age group are the safest on the road, and the average driver continues to get older as the Baby Boomers age. Additionally, it's thought that many drivers opt not to report accidents that don't involve any injuries, and contemporary safety technology may account for an increased number of people who walk away from an accident without so much as a scratch.

One thing seems certain - insurance companies may be making more money from this trend, but it's not being reflected in the average insurance premium. What a surprise, eh?

[Source: Chicago Business via Instapundit]

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