More ways to be energy independent

The Indy, the alternative weekly in Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill, printed up a list this past week of nine things regular people can do to declare their energy independence. One of the items involves driving smarter: driving less and using fuel made from biosources. Using biofuels is gaining in popularity in the Indy's region, and a local biodiesel co-op is about finished building a commercial production plant that will produce around one million gallons of biodiesel a year. Another interesting tidbit of information is in the paper's suggestion to get the fuel out of our food:
"It takes about 10 fossil-fuel calories to produce and transport each food calorie in the average American diet. So if our daily food intake is 2,000 calories, it took 20,000 calories to grow that food and get it to us." Drive smarter by eating local, indeed.

[Source: Indy]

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