Federation of German Industries gives Volkswagen award for vehicle recycling

You done with that? The Federation of German Industries (BDI) gave Volkswagen and its partner SiCon an environmental award for recycling vehicles at the end of the vehicles' lives. SiCon GmbH turns the cars, including materials that were previously not separated viably, back into raw materials. SiCon processes hard plastics, rubber, textiles, glass and metal from old vehicles, according to AME Info. Chairman of the Board of Management of Volkswagen AG Dr. Bernd Pischetsrieder said that, "End of life vehicles are not tiresome waste, but rather a valuable raw material source" for Volkswagen. Currently there is one Volkswagen/SiCon scrap plant, located near Antwerp, Belgium, and more are planned in seven European companies.
[Source: AME Info]

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