Road & Travel lists '10th Annual Sexy Cars' for 2006

Forget horsepower, fuel efficiency, or even price. Road & Track Travel Magazine (RTM) has released the winners of its 10th Annual Sexy Cars buyer's guide for 2006.

Qualification to make the list? Pure sex appeal. Says RTM editor-in-chief Courtney Caldwell, "Sports cars are about fantasy and self image. Just looking at one incites erotic thoughts and visions of grandeur. Owning one turns those images into reality!"

Winners include (in no particular order):
  1. BMW Z4
  2. Chevrolet Corvette
  3. Dodge Charger
  4. Ford Mustang
  5. Honda S2000
  6. Hyundai Tiburon
  7. Mazda MX-5
  8. Mercedes-Benz SLK
  9. Nissan 350Z
  10. Pontiac Solstice (pictured)
The full list and explanation will be in the June edition of RTM.

You've seen the contestants. Opinions? Comments are now open for catcalls and kudos.

[Source: The Auto Channel]

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