Camaro and Mustang do battle in Transformers: The Movie

The upcoming live-action Transformers movie will feature a matchup with which most Autoblog readers are intimately familiar: Camaro versus Mustang. A bright orange Chevy Camaro Concept that's more than meets the eye will play the good-natured Transformer named Bumblebee, which has traditionally been portrayed by the Volkswagen Beetle. Meanwhile, a Decepticon named Brawl that reportedly "jacks-up poor Bumblebee" is being played by the Ford Mustang.  

We're certain Transformers purists will cry foul at the ousting of VW's bug in favor of the more sensational Camaro Concept. We're also certain that Chevy must've transformed a good chunk of change into thin air to get this prime product placement. 

OF NOTE: Follow the jump for a picture we have no idea how to explain.

Thanks Butcher and Golom for the tips!

[Source: Ain't it Cool]

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