Porsche looking to make inroads in China


Chalk another one up for China -- one of the world's fastest-growing economies has attracted the attention of yet another luxury car manufacturer. According to Automotive News, Porsche importer Jebsen & Co. is looking to increase sales in China from the lowly 857 sold last year to 1,350 next year and keep growing from there. The wealthy in China currently hire drivers to cart them around in their Mercedes-Benz and BMW vehicles, but the importer sees Porsche filling a niche for a flashy second or third vehicle for potential customers. China hasn't had a huge market for sports cars -- in fact, most sales for the company in China are of Porsche's luxury SUV. The automaker will be holding ride & drives in Shanghai to change the public's perception of Porsche's sportscars.

[Source: Automotive News]

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