Lack of government support for biodiesel could mean trouble ahead

Three key government programs that have supported the rapidly expanding biodiesel market for the last few years are not included in President Bush's 2007 budget, and that has some biodiesel producers worried, according to Delta Farm Press. The three programs – Commodity Credit Corporation Bioenergy Program, a biodiesel tax incentive, and a small producers' tax credit – will all expire either this year or by 2008 and have not yet been renewed.
One farmer quoted in the article (actually, he's described as a soybean producer), Bob Metz, says, "The importance of these programs can't be overemphasized. Biodiesel needs these programs to recognize its potential as a renewable fuel." Metz is also president of the American Soybean Association. The ASA is asking Congress to include further funding for these three programs in any energy budget legislation.

[Source: Delta Farm Press]

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