Stephen Colbert scoffs at transportation alternatives

The Colbert Report was a rerun last night, but it was one I hadn't seen it before and noticed that Tyson Slocum, director of Public Citizen, was on to defend and promote fuel alternative and transportation choices (i.e., biofuels and biking).
I'm not sure Slocum really understood the joke of Stephen Colbert's show or his character, and Colbert didn't make it easy, accusing Slocum of defending the Russians and wanting everyone to bike to work. Still, Slocum managed to get his points in, telling Colbert it's ok to drive or to bike, we've just got to do both in a more sustainable fashion. The information that Slocum and Public Citizen are trying to get out - for example, that oil companies that make billions of dollars in profit don't need government subsidies - may only be able to find a home on a satirical comedy show, but I suppose they'll take what they can get. You can watch the clip here.

[Source: The Colbert Report]

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