GM seeks next great car designer in Detroit high schools

In March General Motors partnered with the College for Creative Studies and began visiting 15 Detroit area public high schools to seek out and encourage the next generation of car designers coming up the ranks. Seasoned car designers from GM's Design Center and students from CSS provided instruction to the students who were charged with designing a vehicle for the 17-25 year-old crowd. The 50 lucky students chosen for the program, which is called "You Make a Difference," were invited to also participate in Advanced Sketching Clinics during the summer and six will receive a $5,000 scholarship towards freshman tuition at CSS. Last night the students' work was displayed at an evening reception held at CSS. We'll be scouring the net for some pics of the students' work in the coming days.
If GM and the College for Creative Studies had walked into my high school I probably would have vacated my bowels in excitement as, like many young auto enthusiasts, car design was at the top of my list for future careers. Unfortunately I (arguably) learned how to construct complete sentences while speaking colorfully about cars... sigh.

[Source: GM]

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