IRS form gives tax credits - up to $30,000 - for installing E85 pumps

One part of last year's Energy Policy Act is now a reality in the form of an exciting new IRS tax form, Form 8911. The "Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit" offers the first federal income tax credit to organizations that install E85 fueling systems. The tax credit is good for a 30 percent federal income tax credit and can be worth up to $30,000 per property, according to Renewable Energy Access.
Inside Green Business (subscription only) reported in March that a draft version of Form 8911 made industry analysts worry that installation of E85 pumps would actually slow down because of the $30,000 limit. But that limit applied to taxpayers, not to each property. Two alternative energy groups advised their members to stop installing E85 pumps until the form could be revised. It seems that time has come.

[Source: Renewable Energy Access]

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