Georgia law takes one minor step into biodiesel territory

There were two minor laws relating to biodiesel use in Georgia in the Georgia General Assembly this year. The Southeast Farm Press reports that biodiesel was defined and that the state would move to biodiesel for its diesel vehicles.
Senate Bill 636 defines biodiesel as a blended fuel of biodiesel and petroleum diesel that conforms to the specifications of American Society for Testing and Materials Standard D 6751.

House Bill 1412, which has not yet passed, is an optimistic piece of work, declaring that shifting part of Georgia's use of 6.5 billion annual gallons of gasoline and diesel to biodiesel will generate $1 billion in increased economic activity and create up to 1,000 jobs (500 indirectly). The law requires that basically all government entities in the state that purchase diesel have to by at least B2 biodiesel (that's not a typo, they are only requiring two percent biodiesel) starting in 2008. Oh, and the biodiesel is not required if it costs more than regular diesel.

Why are we mentioning these laws here? First, because I currently live in Georgia and the legislature's session just ended. More importantly, it is little steps like this that will move us ever so slightly to a biofuel future. B2 is a baby step, sure, but baby steps are better than no steps at all.

[Source: Southeast Farm Press, the Georgia General Assembly]

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