Biodiesel co-ops exist across the country, and it's possible to start your own

With all the attention we've been giving lately to the mega-ethanol plants, I thought it was time to shift gears and highlight the options for the DIY crowd. It's not easy to make biofuel yourself, but it's a lot of fun to turn waste grease into something your car can drink.
I've already mentioned home appleseed biodiesel reactors, so today I'm going to briefly look at the idea of the biodiesel co-op. Like other co-ops, biodiesel co-ops are a group of like-minded folks who share time and money to accomplish a project. The co-op model for biodiesel production can mean more people can use the biofuel with less work and money from any single individual. The Internet is full of sites to help you join an existing group or start your own. The first page of Google results for biodiesel co-ops shows a lot of groups operating on the West coast, but there are co-ops around the country. I know here in Athens, GA, there is a group working to produce biodiesel using the co-op model and they plan to have each member work to make the fuel only once every 6 weeks or so but they will always be able to fill up. If you're interested in the concept, but your group members are not confident enough to build everything themselves, Fuelwerks will get you started with all the equipment, 275 gallons of fuel and will even come by and install the pump for $1,900.

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