US Energy Secretary going to Indianapolis for Ethanol Day tomorrow

US Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman will promote Ethanol during an appearance at Ethanol Day at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway tomorrow, Energy Efficient Motorsport. Rahal Letterman Racing, which runs a car supported by Team Ethanol, invited Bodman, who will do a press conference about ethanol in racing and the more general future of alt-fuels in America. He will also meet with executives of the EPIC (Ethanol Promotion and Information Council).
In February, Bodman answered questions from Internet users as part of the White House's "Ask The White House" series. In that discussion, he called ethanol, "a key part of the solution to the problem of our future energy needs" and said that "cellulosic ethanol" should be cost-competitive by 2012, displacing up to 30 percent of the U.S.'s current petroleum-based fuel use.

[Source: EEMS, the White House]

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