Eriksson finally charged in high-profile Ferrari Enzo bust-up


At the risk of beating a dead (Prancing) horse, here's the latest on Swedish scofflaw Stefan Eriksson, who balled up his Enzo in spectacular fashion on the Pacific Coast Highway in February. The 44-year-old pleaded not guilty yesterday to charges of embezzlement, grand theft and gun possession by a felon (Eriksson apparently has  a counterfeiting charge stemming from the 1990s already on his rap sheet), and two counts of DUI.

Bail has been set at a hefty $5.5 million, in part to cover an estimated $3.8 million in exotic cars (the wrecked Ferrari, a spare Enzo, and the Benz SLR), and in part to minimize flight risk -- Eriksson apparently booked reservations for a flight to Blighty on April 10.

The fallen Gizmondo executive faces up to 14 years imprisonment.

[Sources: The Associated Press via the Seattle Times;]

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