Pining for a new Cadillac roadster?

Wooden it be nice to spruce up your driveway with a(n) teak roadster? All right, we'll stop.

Jerry Nickel's wooden-bodied car isn't going to be unveiled at the New York Auto Show this week because it's been gathering dust in a trailer for some time. It's powered by two Cadillac V8 engines, one driving the front wheels and the other the rears.

The car was built from over four-thousand pieces of wood, gallons of glue, varnish and 60 pounds of screws. Nickel would have put his masterpiece up for auction at Barrett-Jackson this year, but missed the deadline (or so his subconscious likes to tell him).

Thanks for the tip, Eliot!

[Source: Tom Strongman's Auto Ink]

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