What's next for Delphi?

While much ink has been devoted to Delphi's bankruptcy court request to terminate its labor contracts with the UAW and other unions, that event was only one step along the path to possible confrontation with the unions (albeit a very big one).
Over at TheCarConnection.com, Joseph Szczesny has outlined the timeline of upcoming events for Delphi and its unions. The next major milestone is a May 9-10 bankruptcy court hearing on Delphi's request. The judge will likely take between 30 and 45 days to issue a ruling. If the ruling grants Delphi permission to go ahead, the company will have 10 days to terminate its labor agreements.

On the union side, the current contract (which is still in effect) has a no-strike clause. But if Delphi cancels the contract, the union is free to strike.

The bottom line appears to be that Delphi, the unions and General Motors have until early summer to come to an agreement on the future of Delphi's workers.

[Source: TheCarConnection.com]

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