Infiniti ventures into Russia


As more and more luxury auto manufacturers are finding Russia to be a lucrative place to do business, Nissan is scrambling to get a piece of the pie by introducing its Infiniti brand into the market. Its Nissan brand itself has been faring well, moving a total of 46,485 units from about 40 stores in 2005.

Starting this summer, Infiniti will initially open three dealerships in Moscow and St. Petersburg and will offer four or five models, including an SUV and mid-size sedan. Nissan is also considering building a plant in the country as well.

Russians should be pleased the infinite brand is showing interest in their country, as Nissan doesn't plan to open up Infiniti dealerships in its own domestic market of Japan until 2008.

Thanks to ActiveTuning for the tip.

[Source: Daily Yomiuri Online]

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