Formula One: Mosley wins battle, war goes on

/ confirmed on Monday what we all expected - the five manufacturer teams in F1 have all submitted their entries for the FIA's 2008 Formula One World Championship. Only last week, FIA president Max Mosley (pictured at right) announced that the immediate submission of a formal entry would be mandatory for any team wishing to take part in the negotiations surrounding the 2008 Sporting Regulations.

Given that F1 commercial negotiations between manufacturers and Bernie Ecclestone have actually been moving along, it's now a foregone conclusion that the "breakaway series" proposed by the teams is dead in the water.

[Continued after the jump...] Negotiation of the 2008 Sporting Regulations will be interesting, to say the least. Mad Max is bent on restricting Formula 1 technology in the interests of "saving costs" and "improving the show," and his the FIA's draft 2008 regulations include a raft of constraints on technology.

The FIA fired a new shot across the bows of the manufacturer teams Monday, issuing a press release saying that it agreed on a joint proposal with Cosworth, Ferrari and Renault. Reached on Friday, the agreement specifies a 5-year freeze on engine development. Reading between the lines, the pact gives the FIA the power to equalize performance between competing engine-makers.

As points out, the FIA seems to be gradually molding Formula 1 into a "spec racing" series, arguably ignoring the interests of the vast majority of Formula 1's fans. Fully 80-percent of the participants in a 2005 FIA survey said that F1's advanced technology was what set it apart from other forms of motorsport, and tightening regulations will likely serve to curb innovation.

In related news, the FIA journal "automotive" reports that Mosley will be trying his hand at journalism, writing a monthly column in F1 Racing magazine. His missives will appear under the banner "Grip and Spin," starting with the March issue. Count on spinmeister Mosley to make the most of his new soapbox.

[Sources:, FIA,]

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