CarLoft - balcony parking at its best

One thing I absolutely abhor about apartment living is the long walk from my car to my apartment door. CarLoft is my solution. Imagine an entire apartment complex built around the concept of parking your car on your balcony and you have the basic idea.

A “CarLift” elevator takes you and your auto for a ride up to the penthouse (or less expensive lofts on lower floors) where you pull forward into the “CarLoggia”. A glass wall separates your elevated garage from your living quarters yet still allows for friends and family to appreciate your wheels.

Plans are underway to have CarLoft living spaces built in such European cities as Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg, among others. The lofts, which range in size from 2,411 sq ft to 5,802 sq ft, start at EUR 450,600 ($536,844 US).

[via WeMakeMoneyNotArt]

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