Ford kills SVT - 2007 Shelby Cobra Mustang to be performance division's swan song


Inside Line
has the skinny on something that will bring tears to the eyes of many a high-performance enthusiast... the end of SVT as we know it is close at hand. Stephen Cole Smith of Inside Line predicted such a fate for Ford's in-house skunkworks, and on on April 1, 2006 he'll be proven right.

According to Cole, as of this moment SVT's PR/marketing staff, engineering staff, dealer network, press fleet and events trailer (all exclusively dedicated to the division) have been dismantled. The 2007 Shelby Cobra-badged Mustang will be the last vehicle to be developed, start to finish, by the SVT program. If anything, Cole says, we might get a vehicle with an SVT-tuned suspension. Maybe.


(Thanks to Hank for the tip)

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