Bullitt to hit the big screen again?


Depending on your perspective, word that a remake of the 1968 classic Bullitt is in the works is either:

A) Cause for a celebratory smoky burnout

B) Proof that Hollywood's intellectually bankrupt

C) Both

While details on the film remain slim (okay, they border on non-existent), the film is likely to follow the storyline of San Francisco police officer Frank Bullitt, memorably played in the original by actor/racer Steve McQueen. According to Movies.com, the film is slated to debut sometime in 2006, but the film has been in the mix since at least June of 2004.

Worryingly, the only writer listed is Cynthia Mort, who is best known for her work in television on such shows as Will & Grace and Rosanne. Director Wolfgang Peterson is arguably more promising, having worked on such big-budget films as The Perfect Storm, Outbreak, and In the Line of Fire.

If it makes it to the screen, the Bullitt redux would follow in the tire tracks of films like Gone In Sixty-Seconds and The French Connection.

[Source: Movies.com]

(Thanks for the tip, Kevin!)

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