BMW Z4 Coupe inspires radical artist

And now for something completely different. BMW has a tradition of bringing artists together with its cars, notably in its series of "Art Cars," but this project is definitely... well, out there. Before BMW debuted the Z4 Coupe, it commissioned New York-based designer Joshua Davis to capture the essence of the car in his unique, computer-generated prints. The results of the "Z4 by Joshua Davis" project are now on display at, along with a "making of" video about the project.

You'll have to decide for yourself if Davis succeeded in evoking the design of the car in his artwork, but the process is certainly fascinating. Davis is a pioneer of "algorithmic graphic design" - a process in which the design of the Z4, inspired the development of mathematical algorithms and a computer program that uses said algorithm to reconstruct an image at random. Computer graphics geeks will appreciate that his images, with up to 120,000 layers and 50,000 vectors, are a challenge to turn into something you can hang on the wall.

[Source: BMW,]

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