Like their owners, cars and trucks are living longer

R.L. Polk & Co. have completed their annual survey of the U.S. motor vehicle population, and cars, like people, are living longer.
Of all the cars and light trucks in use in the U.S. in 2005, only 4.3 percent ended up in the scrap heap - an all-time low. Meanwhile, the median age of cars on the road was up to 9 years, setting an all-time record for the fourth year running. The median age for light trucks also rose, to 6.6 years.

The median age figure is troublesome to carmakers, because it goes hand in hand with declining new vehicle registrations. In 1995, the median age of cars was only 7.7 years.

Polk sees the trend continuing, as vehicle engine technology and overall durability continue to improve, letting drivers hang on to their rides even longer.

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