Willie's Willy: 700 ponies of pure, unadulterated biodiesel

Attendees at the 2006 National Biodiesel Conference in San Diego, California, U.S., joined singer and biodiesel advocate Willie Nelson in surprise when he received the “Willie’s Willys”, a biodiesel-powered recreation of a 1941 Willys pickup truck (pictured). The Institute of Ecolonomics and Ecosense Solutions made the presentation.

Each Willie Willys is powered by a 6.5-litre, twin-turbo diesel engine with the production version generating 350 horsepower. The transmission is a six-speed automatic. The truck has spark plugs, unusual for a diesel engine, which the designers state will help reduce particulate emissions. Tests indicated the truck should average thirty-eight miles per gallon.

And, of course, it runs on pure biodiesel.

While the frame is made of conventional stainless steel and the truck bed is oak, the body is made of a soy-based resin.

Each limited-edition Willie Willys costs $97,000.

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