And now this week's very best of the Weblogs, Inc. Network


The Weblogs, Inc. network features over 100 independent, unfiltered bloggers producing over 1,000 blog posts a week across over 75 industry-leading blogs. Each week we ask our bloggers to choose their top posts, which we bring to you in one easy-to-read weekly post. You'll find links to the hottest posts from the past week after the jump including an motion detection for Flash games, favorite Kids in the Hall moments and even a Spanish Autoblog announcement. Enjoy!

Droxy?s Ryan Saghir got a first hand preview of XM Radio?s new Delphi RoadyXT and Audiovox Xpress Radios and takes a look at the looming Apple vs Satellite Radio battle. Then he noticed that Opie and Anthony are ?Podcasting? through Audible now? will Howard Stern soon follow?

FlashInsider?s Mike Schleifstein talks about the release of Macromedia Studio 8 and finds a couple video motion detection Flash games while David Robinson isn?t sure what to think about the end of a web program at SIGGRAPH.

Gadling?s Erik Olsen wants to help you with your lifelist and wants to talk about a new fad called Zorbing. Plus Adrienne Wilson urges you to learn to speak French over dinner.

Divester?s Willy Volk lists the Top 10 Waterproof Tech Items in 2005 so far and reveals that aerobic exercise helps reduce divers? chances of getting DCS while Erik Olsen reports on diving eco-wonderlands.

Luxist?s Peter Thompson goes castle shopping while Rick Reed checks out the Breitling watch for pilots and Deidre Woollard tells you where you can spend $1 million or more on one car.

TVSquad?s Bob Sassone reveals an Alias shocker and Chris Thilk wonders what your favorite Kids In The Hall moment is, plus Adam Finley ticks off Scrubs fans.

TUAW?s Laurie A. Duncan introduces the TUAW Dashboard widget and Dave Caolo tackles Apple?s Mighty Mouse while Jay Savage just says NO to AppleCare.

BBHub?s Russell Shaw shows you a way to calculate your restaurant or bar tip on your BlackBerry, calculate if you?ve had ?one too many? at that restaurant or bar, and shows you a way to figure out how many words a minute you can tap out on your BlackBerry.

Joystiq?s Ross Miller plays Doom on an iPod and points out web-comic thrashing Jack Thompson while David Touve looks for the elusive PSP 2.0 update, US version.

Hack-A-Day?s Eliot Phillips gets a new logo via the Scribble Bot, imagines future robotics projects using a computer controlled RC helicopter and polls the text editor holy war.

Engadget?s Ryan Block spots the Verizon ready CDMA RAZR and Peter Rojas warns of a viral outbreak on Finnish phones. Then they get together for this week?s Engadget Podcast.

Autoblog?s John Neff introduces Alberto Escarlate, the Spaniard, to announce the coming Autoblog Spanish and Eric Bryant says we aren?t buying premium gas while Randall Halcomb finds hybrid developers addressing criticis

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