3 Articles
Boy saves family in car accident using Nintendo DS?

The Nintendo DS, a handheld video game system, can be a major time-suck for us kids of all ages. It's no surprise that the mother of seven year-old Christoper Miszkowiec wanted him to cut down on the amount of time he spends playing with one. What is surprising is that mom Kathleen has recently had a change of heart. What prompted this reversal? Christoper saved her life with his toy.

Your spaceship has arrived: The spiritual successor to the Citroen DS?

1955 – Elvis is just heating up, Blackboard Jungle is in theaters and tailfins will take a couple more years to really get outrageous. Across the Atlantic in France, the Martians forgot their space capsule. There is no other way to explain a car that debuted in 1955 having such sophistication – a hydropneumatic self-leveling suspension, excellent handling and ride, and headlamps that swiveled with the steering, to name a few.