
Watch: Car wheel bounces into store, interrupts conversation

It's the automotive equivalent of a hole-in-one. In surveillance video that captured the freak accident from several angles, it's just another sunny day on the sidewalks of southern Adana province in Turkey when a wheel comes bouncing into view. The wheel is traveling at moderate speed, borrowed from the vehicle it was formerly attached to.

The wheel enters the front door of a pharmacy, apparently misses a customer with a baby in a stroller, then deftly enters a backroom where the pharmacy owner is sitting at his desk chatting with two friends. The wheel conks each of those gentlemen. But surprisingly, no one is seriously hurt.

We liked this quote in the Daily Sabbah. Pharmacy owner Abdulkadir Erdeve sums up the incongruity of the situation nicely: "We are a pharmacy. We were waiting for patients. A wheel came instead. We're shocked." Nope, didn't see that coming.

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